Green wave
From the beginning to the end

Meet your new Project Management solution

Premo is a Project Management solution that offers Unreal Engine and Unity plugins to link projects with boards. You can easily manage your projects and keep track of your progress. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Premo is the perfect solution for managing your projects.

example columns with issues
one tool to rule them all

For all your teams

Premo is a Project Management solution that supports kanban, swimlane and roadmap boards type. With Premo, you can easily manage your projects and keep track of your progress. The shared data feature allows you to share columns between multiple boards of a same project. This means that you can easily create boards for different Teams who working on the same project but with a different layout. For example, one for your developers, another for you marketing team.


A sneak peek

Markdown & WYSIWYG

You have the choice! Choose between Markdown or WYSIWYG depending your need or team skills. With powerful editors who support drag & drop, UML graphics and more...

Game Engine integration

The Unreal Engine and Unity plugins allow you to link your project to a board, which makes it easy to keep track of your progress and collaborate with your team.

Tags & Trackers

The tags feature allows you to categorize your tasks and projects, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. The trackers feature allows you to track your progress.


With Premo, you can easily manage your projects and collaborate with your team in real-time. You can create tasks, assign them to team members, and set deadlines.


Don't be limited. The entire Premo API is available to customers after generating a key. Choose the scope and start creating your custom tools on top of Premo!

Grained permissions

With grained permissions, you can set different levels of access for different team members. This means that you can give some team members full access to your projects and data, while others only have access to certain parts of your projects.

Compatible with Unreal Engine and Unity.

Go to the next level

Premo is a project management solution that has Unreal Engine and Unity plugins. With Premo, you can easily upload game engine file hierarchy to Premo. Once it’s done, you can use the file hierarchy to assign tasks to a specific file or folder, for example Level Design tasks for a specific level. The Unreal Engine and Unity plugins come as standard with any Premo subscription. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Premo is the perfect solution for managing your game project.

compatibility with UE and Unity
Premo priced your way

Something for every project


Get in touch

Are you interested? Contact us via the form below to see together how Premo can support your team. Premo is currently accessible by invitation only.